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赢在中国-史密斯商业计划书大赛 时间:2006-12-8 10:41:19 来源:创业网cye 作者: 我来说两句

  中国EMBA教学领域的领军者 — 美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院启动了《赢在中国-史密斯商业计划书大赛》。大赛由史密斯商学院联袂中国中央电视台共同举办,被誉为《赢在中国》 的“英文版”。史密斯商学院作为唯一“全球教育合作伙伴”将为《赢在中国》的获胜选手提供史密斯商学院世界顶级的工商管理课程的奖学金,价值10万美金。

  来自全球的参赛选手通过《赢在中国-史密斯商业计划书大赛》赢取价值10万美金的8项大奖,前三名获奖选手还将获得总值5万美金的现金大奖。大奖将奖励选手到美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院 Dingman 创业中心接受史密斯商学院一流教授的培训。这个培训项目侧重于创业,形式包括一对一培训,专业化课程及演讲,参观考察当地科学园区和孵化园区。大赛的主办方是史密斯商学院的 Dingman 创业中心和CCTV《赢在中国》。


  更多有关《赢在中国-史密斯商业计划书大赛》的信息,请登陆史密斯商学院中国项目的网站,也可以通过大赛的官方网站创业网( 以及合作支持网站雅虎,中国风险投资网等获取相关信息。



· 2006年9月29日正式启动2006年史密斯商学院第三届中国商业计划书大赛。
· 2007年2月公布大赛情况更新。举办媒体发布会正式宣布大赛的主要赞助者和合作方。
· 2007年6月18日-22日宣布半决赛入围名单。进入半决赛的选手需在2007年8月1日前提交一份15-25页的商业计划书。
· 2007年8月28日寄出决赛通知。
· 2007年9月10日举行决赛。进入决赛10位选手将在由风险投资专家组成的评审团面前,就各自的商业计划书做10分钟的阐述,并将与评审团面对面进行讨论。决赛的评委均由来自顶尖风险投资公司的代表组成。

评审标准: 在整个大赛的各个阶段, 选拔选手的标准基于: 
· 清晰度
· 简洁性
· 完整性
· 商业计划书的可行性
· 执行的管理能力
· 价值主张
· 竞争分析
评委: 《赢在中国-史密斯商业计划书大奖赛》前两轮赛事的评委将来自CCTV《赢在中国》的代表,及史密斯商学院的教授和管理人员。决赛的评委将来自关注中国市场的风险投资机构。

  About the Competition

  The University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, a top-ranked U.S. business school with Executive MBA and custom executive education programs in China, has launched the Win in China - Smith Business Plan Competition. As the exclusive academic partner for CCTV's Win in China, the Smith School will award up to $100,000 worth of scholarships to its world-class executive education programs to the winners of the Win in China reality television program, and is cooperating with CCTV to deliver the Win in China - Smith Business Plan Competition.

  The Win in China - Smith Business Plan Competition gives teams of entrepreneurs from around the world the chance to compete for eight grand prizes valued at $100,000, as well as cash prizes for the top three winners totaling $50,000. The grand prizes will award all-expense-paid trips to the Smith School's Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship in the United States for training with Smith's world-class professors. The training will focus on entrepreneurship and will include individual coaching, specialized courses and presentations, and visits to local science parks and incubators. The competition's key organizers include the Dingman Center and CCTV Win in China.

  Now in its successful third year, the Smith School sponsors its annual China Business Plan Competition in support of the growth of world-class business ideas and business leaders in China. With its focus on globalization, entrepreneurship and technology, the Smith School is ideally positioned to share its leadership in these areas as part of its commitment to the China market.

  More information about the Win in China - Smith Business Plan Competition can be found at the Smith China Website or at, the competition's official portal, and partnership Websites Yahoo! and



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·Win in China - Smith Bu

·Win in China - Smith Bu